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1. Import Unity Packages

To import with UPM, add the following to Packages/manifest.json:

// main package
"net.shivaduke28.kanikama": "https://github.com/shivaduke28/kanikama.git?path=Kanikama/Packages/net.shivaduke28.kanikama",
// for Bakery
"net.shivaduke28.kanikama.bakery": "https://github.com/shivaduke28/kanikama.git?path=Kanikama/Packages/net.shivaduke28.kanikama.bakery",
// for VRChat
"net.shivaduke28.kanikama.udon": "https://github.com/shivaduke28/kanikama.git?path=Kanikama/Packages/net.shivaduke28.kanikama.udon"

To use in VRChat, Kanikama also requires VRChat Creator Companion and UdonSharp v1. To install with VCC, see https://shivaduke28.github.io/vcc-packages/.

2. Project Settings

Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Rendering

  • Color Space: should be Linear
  • Lightmap Encoding: should be High Quality

3. Lighting Settings

Window > Rendering > Light Settings

  • Realtime Global Illumination: should be unchecked
  • Baked Global Illumination: should be checked

4. Import Sample (optional)

Open the Package Manager window from Window > Package Manager, and select the In Project category. You can import Samples.

Image from Gyazo